Saturday, June 11, 2016

Task 3.2b: Recommendations for cultivating learner engagement

My list of recommendations for cultivating learner engagement strategies from our discussion forum

This is a challenging task; how do you write them in order of importance? Or is it better to categorise them? I have chosen to categorise them after finding that writing a list from 1-10

Learning/Instructional/Course Design

  • Ensure that the technology and activities relate to the task/learning and will enable meaningful learning. Purposeful. (Alison)
  • Refer to Gilly Salmon's five stage model for developing online learning (access and motivation, online socialisation, information exchange, knowledge exchange and development). See link (Vijaya)
  • Examine the affordances of the technology (Kersty)
  • Provide a variety of technology mediums for delivering information and instructions (Emily) e.g. Podcasting, video, animation
  • Use quizzes and games for fun interaction and immediate (and repeated) feedback on performance. This works well for tasks that require a certain knowledge of vocabulary (e.g. anatomy) (Ute)
  • Choice about how they work, autonomously or collaboratively (Michelle)

  • Ensure that all learners are able to access links and sites - and that links work! (Angela)

Access to Resources
  • User Testing - Test your activity with actual users or close to actual users. See for some ideas around how to do user testing, how many users to test and more. [Judith]

Course delivery/day to day course considerations
  • Prompt, detailed and personal feedback. (Henriette)
  • Provide a choice of platforms to access and submit work (Henriette)

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