Saturday, June 11, 2016

Module Four reading: Guzman & Nussbaum 's (2009)

Outcome: Familiarity with shift required for teaching with technology practice.

Although I had not seen eLearning competencies used in this manner before, I do see the purpose of Guzman & Nussbaum 's (2009) analysis. We speak of the competencies that students need to develop in order to become 21st Century learners. When I reflect on some of the challenges I have encountered with other staff at school, I can see where they fit within the competency domains and where their next steps in learning are. It would to useful to use the basis of this as part of a staff self-reflection, particularly if our school is to significant progress in integrating digital technologies into the classroom program. However, I am unsure if the order of the domains is effective. I question should attitudinal be the last domain? Personally, I would have placed it higher on the list. This is because without an attitude to incorporate digital technologies in a learning perspective it can be easier to fall on the tried and true.

One area that appears to be missing is competencies about digital literacy; the ability to search for information effectively, to think about your digital footprint, to adhere to copyright laws, etc. This is an area where many staff struggle. It could be encompassed in the instrumental domain, however, this is unclear.

This article did get me thinking about my own practice. Where did I think I fit? What areas did I need to focus on? I am personally comfortable with a multitude of applications and always willing to learn tricks and techniques that make it easier for the learner. I am confidently able to solve various technical issues. Since I love using digital technologies, I am always trying to purposefully integrate them into the classroom program as much as I can. Although I now take heed of Howland, Jonassen, & Marra's (2012) article of the difference between learning with than from digital technology. Frameworks such as the TEC-VARIETY (Bonk & Khoo, 2014) are also beneficial to make changes in the teaching and learning programs.

I have always been a reflective practitioner, especially ways to improve the learning and how to ensure tools used meet the learning needs of my learners. Where I need to focus more on is the communication aspect. I do so orally, however, I need to work on utilising the digital tools to do so as well. As for my attitude, I want to integrate them, I can see potential, and right now I am working on developing my pedagogical approaches further.

Guzman, A. A., & Nussbaum, M. M. (2009). Teaching Competencies for Technology Integration in the Classroom. Journal Of Computer Assisted Learning, 25(5), 453-469.

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