Saturday, June 11, 2016

Module Four Reading: Zaka (2013)

Outcome: Familiarity with factors affecting teaching with technology, particularly in a blended learning environment.
Pre-reading questions

Blended learning has come to have a few different meanings. How would you define it?

Blended learning can be defined as an effective mix of web-enhanced and face to face learning. This can occur in the classroom via distance learning that incorporates Video Conferencing

Post reading questions

What are some of the challenges facing teachers who are involved in blended learning? What is the role of the school in supporting the teachers?

Zaka (2013) describes some of the challenges that teachers face whilst involved in blended learning. These include limited access issues, student’s readiness for blended learning, usability of tools that don’t link well together, building staff capacity, limited parental support. These are challenges I can identify with coming from a small rural school too. I have an appreciation for learning via distance through a blended learning environment as many of the students we have undertake learning through VC. Students who do well are those who do have an internal motivation to achieve and apply themselves to their learning. I also understand the need to build capacity with staff. At our school the uptake of blended learning is very low for a variety of reasons. For myself, I have had to rely on outside professional development and Communities of Practice to build my own capacity. I use these ideas in my own classroom practice as well as assist other staff with possible ideas to integrate digital technologies into their own classroom practice.

The role of the school, in particular, the school leadership team, in supporting teachers who are implementing blended learning is imperative. The quote from the eprincipal “we might have teachers doing innovative things but without leadership [there will not be change]” resonates with me as it identifies where I have experienced challenges within my own school context. Effectively implementing a blended learning environment is challenging there is a different pedagogy involved. The teacher’s role is more of an instructional designer as well as the teacher/facilitator. I have taken the position to extend my own ideas further by attending professional development linked with implementing digital technologies into classroom programs mostly out of school hours and out of my own pocket. This paper included. Within our school there is a definite need for more school professional development where blended learning is concerned.

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