Friday, March 11, 2016

Task 1.1 Teaching Perspectives

This week the main reading was

Pratt, D., & Associates. (1998). Alternative frames of understanding. In Five Perspectives on teaching in adult and higher education (pp. 33-53). Malabar, FL: Kreiger.

Which made you think which of the five perspectives you hold with your students.

Completing the reading did make me reflect on which of the perspectives I use.  I wasn't so surprised to see that Developing and Nurturing were the strongest of the five aspects as I find that many of the students I teach require scaffolding towards independent learning and require a lot of positive nurturing.

When undertaking the TPI survey which gave me the results above there was the requirement to focus on a group of students whilst completing it.  I have realised that if I were to focus on another group of students with another subject that the results would be slightly different.  That would not take away from the fact the perspectives I hold will always quite possibly be stronger in Developing and Nurturing.

What I was surprised about was the low social aspect.  I think that even though I do believe in creating a social conscience with students that this can be harder to develop in a rural (partly isolated) school which has limited resources. An example of this is when with my year 7 Social Science class I would have liked to do more socially aware tasks/activities linked with sustainability, however within the constraints that I encountered this was difficult (particularly cost and lack of resources).

What was surprising to me was how much this reading reminded me of "The Third Teacher", its linked with the hidden curriculum yet for the learner it shows them what is important.

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