Sunday, March 6, 2016

New Learning Journey - Massey University

Today is the first day of me actually starting my Massey journey.  I should have started last week, but with the desperate need to get our new house to some form of liveable standard I had to push everything to the limit.  This week is catch up.  Using the data on my phone, since I have no internet yet in my new house, I am on.  It seems a daunting task, what have I gotten myself into?  Lol.. its possible the need to catch up with is overcrowding my head.  I will get there, so much to learn and digest.

Quite link Stream though, it seems easier to navigate than the MindLab app.  This is something which I will need to continue to observe.

Ok, so my Massey course wants me to start a blog too...  Looks like I really need to stop procrastinating about it, and use it.

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