Sunday, March 6, 2016

261.760: Instructional Design for e-Learning

What do I hope to accomplish in this course?

The Course Goals

  • Demonstrate developing information literacy in locating, evaluating and using relevant information from the internet 
  • Compare and contrast learning theories 
  • Identify appropriate information and communication technologies for effective learning 
  • Apply knowledge of learning theory and instructional design in developing material for E-Learning 


As a reflection, this will be a written piece which includes:
  1. reference to your own experience, context and views, including making sense of (or meaning from) those experiences, in context 
  2. reference to your learning activity 
  3. reference to existing theory/stimulus 
  4. a central thesis (or main point) which gives the piece focus 

My Reflection

Although I'm not afraid of digital technologies, I do think that this course will push some of my comfort zones, blogging being a case in point. It's realistically an electronic diary, but having given up on them (book form) since I was a kid, this is going to take some getting used too.

Throughout me teaching degree we learned a lot about how to teach and what to teach, I am learning about the theories that are out there. MindLab started this journey for me. I never realised there was so much literature out there, however I seemed to have developed my own which I am beginning to see seems to sit alongside many out there. Yes I have done a lot of PD many of which has been linked with the use of digital technologies, but I was pretty naive about the theories behind them. This is the start of a learning journey, one of which will extend my thinking and knowledge and skills.

It is hoped that this course helps me develop better teaching and learning opportunities for the students in my charge. If I am wanting to do that effectively I need to learn the theory behind it and put that into practice.

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