Saturday, March 12, 2016

Teaching for e-Learning - Goals for this Course

There is a lot that I do want to get out of this course (some of which I don't know until I learn them).

I want to understand the theories and concepts that surround the use of online environments in a blended learning environment. I want to extend my learning in my area of passion.  Effectively using digital technologies in the classroom is not an easy concept and there is a lack of understanding about the pedagogical changes that are required to teach in an eLearning environment effectively.  There are not only the academic theories to contend with but also the theories/understandings of others who just don't understand the possibilities.

Ultimately I want to have a solid foundation to make the learning experiences that I offer my students the very best that I can.  Having taught in school that has made little progress in eLearning I want to be able to do more than I have been doing.  I want to move to the 21st Century, I want to be able to engage my learners in the best way possible for them to make progress in their own learning using digital tools to do so.

I am hoping that through completing this course I have some creditability and insight which can not only asset me but also the students that I hope to teach next year and beyond.

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