Saturday, November 14, 2015

Key Competencies in Leadership

The Key Competencies are aligned with the Early Childhood Curriculum (Te Whaariki) where Belonging, Wellbeing, Exploration, Communication and Contribution are at the heart.  Te Whaariki is world widely recognised.

I do remember reading somewhere that if we use the key competencies to assist our students learning, then they will be well rounded individuals more inclined to contribute to the forthcoming society. I do think that there needs to be refocus on these key competencies within our schools as it appears to have come lost with the focus placed on the curriculum areas and curriculum level attainment. I do wonder if this is because we require a measure of each level and the key competencies to not have a specific measure of what a child should be like at a given age.

One wonders have we lost the true essentials of the New Zealand Curriculum?

As for using the Key Competencies as a tool for leadership, yes..  How can we expect students to make progress in these if we can not demonstrate what they look like ourselves.  It is up to us, to lead the way by example.

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