Saturday, November 14, 2015

Planning my first assignment - MindLab

Scary.. especially when you read the marking schedule. Linking to relevant research, etc. But it has to be done..... AND soon!!! Argh.... and I won't even mention the video part.. not yet anyway

Ok.. So, taking Microsoft's Innovative Teaching and Learning (ITL) research, what am I going to focus on?

There are six rubrics of 21st century learning, each of which represents an important skill for students for develop:
  • collaboration 
  • knowledge construction 
  • self-regulation 
  • real-world problem-solving and innovation 
  • the use of ICT for learning 
  • skilled communication 
I have a group of Year 7 students who are lucky enough to use a digital context for their learning. We have used Learnz a lot this year and we have completed a lot of Learnz virtual field trips all based on the topic of Sustainability. The students have learned a lot about the topic of sustainability in real world contexts. Learning has also been quite different for each of the students who have used their learning journal in Google Docs to demonstrate their learning. Through small group discussions students have also been able to discuss the ideas covered and link these to a wider context, which is not always shown in their learning journal - something which still requires work.

So the plan (I think) is to then plan and construct a resource for next years year 7 students which covers the topic of sustainability on a topic of their choice. It would be interesting to see if the students choose to work individually or in pairs or small groups. I am concerned that if they work in small groups that the participation from each would become unequal. The outcome would need to be an online resource, that used constructed knowledge from the wider world. I can see students talking to people about their topic, thus learning in real time about their topic and using that information to make a resource. I would have to ensure students take ownership, by taking images and videos themselves and planning how they were going to collect information. It has to be more than reading something somewhere and rephrasing that information. Which I believe will be a challenge for both me and them...

More thought needs to go into this I think....

Thus far looking at the Use of ICT for Learning: Rubric pages 29/30

Or I could look at the self regulation......... As planning will be an important part of this project and it can't be done overnight.

Towards Reconceptualising Leadership: The Implications of the Revised New Zealand Curriculum for School Leaders

Interesting reading in lots of ways.  Always good to think beyond the given.  The reading had lots of words that I've heard from the current Principal - dispersive leadership, listening to student voice, student advocacy, and the like.

Which may go to in some ways explain where we are at in our school.  It is encouraging to share leadership, that we can all learn from each other.  Other people's perspectives are helpful to expand our own thinking and challenge preconceived ideas.  However, we all need to be open to change and be prepared to act upon the change.  Further to that, if we encourage dispersive leadership, then we need to not only listen to those above but also those with whom we have given the responsibility to.

Take the idea of using ICT in classrooms.  If we encourage a teacher to take risks in their classroom planning and their classroom programme as a leader but allow no changes in the course description or believe that the teacher is still the holder of all knowledge isn't really encouraging change.  (This statement requires more thought, as it is not quite right). This was presented to me years ago when the thought of integrating ICT into the classroom was the teacher presenting work via the use of PowerPoint covering all the content of the lesson.  Which in my eyes really was a computerised way of writing "things" on the board.  Another is the use of computers to publish work which was initially produced via pen and paper.  Whereas I see integrating ICT puts tools and a wide variety of options in front of students.  And I know I still have lots and lots to learn.  Encouraging students to become learners and experts at the same time.  This idea is always evolving - as it should.  We as learners do not always know what we don't know and how do we expect students to realise this if we do not reflect on this idea ourselves.

For myself, I have been through some of this dispersive leadership and had it taken away with no explanation that I can understand. I have learned that unless people want to learn/change and leadership supports the change then no real change occurs.  In saying that, I'm forever hopeful that real change and learning will happen...

Key Competencies in Leadership

The Key Competencies are aligned with the Early Childhood Curriculum (Te Whaariki) where Belonging, Wellbeing, Exploration, Communication and Contribution are at the heart.  Te Whaariki is world widely recognised.

I do remember reading somewhere that if we use the key competencies to assist our students learning, then they will be well rounded individuals more inclined to contribute to the forthcoming society. I do think that there needs to be refocus on these key competencies within our schools as it appears to have come lost with the focus placed on the curriculum areas and curriculum level attainment. I do wonder if this is because we require a measure of each level and the key competencies to not have a specific measure of what a child should be like at a given age.

One wonders have we lost the true essentials of the New Zealand Curriculum?

As for using the Key Competencies as a tool for leadership, yes..  How can we expect students to make progress in these if we can not demonstrate what they look like ourselves.  It is up to us, to lead the way by example.

New Learning in Action

Although I'm not new to trying out new ideas and the wide variety of technologies available, starting this blog is new territory for me, and quite a daunting task.  What do you call it?  What should it look like? But the need of starting one has probed me into action.  So I have started...  Just like a learner of a new idea and a new skill, I'm sure that this will become easier the more I use it.